Have you ever wonder how to wish happy new years in Chinese?
Step into the world of the Chinese New Year, where traditions and cultural traditions play an important role.
During Chinese New Year do not forget these popular Chinese greetings, that will bring into unforgettable moments between your colleagues, friends and family.
these greetings aren't just words; they're a genuine wishes of hope, prosperity, and well-being. They carry the weight of sincerity and the warmth of goodwill.
This article takes you on a journey through the traditional and contemporary Chinese New Year greetings and wishes. Let's unravel the layers of meaning and significance of these greetings. From ancient traditions to the pulse of modern expressions, we will explore it all.
Getting Ready for the Chinese New Year 2025
The lead-up to the Chinese New Year is a bustling affair, resonating with the essence of renewal. Families immerse themselves in spring cleaning, a symbolic act that sweeps away misfortune and welcomes fresh beginnings.
Homes and streets come alive with decorations featuring auspicious symbols, predominantly in vibrant red and gold. This visual spectacle adds a touch of festive charm to the surroundings.
A heartwarming tradition involves the preparation of red envelopes filled with money, serving as tokens of good luck and blessings. This cherished practice symbolizes the sharing of prosperity and positive wishes during the festive season.
Most popular Chinese New Year 2025 Greetings for Family and Friends

As we enter in the festivities of Happy Chinese New Year 2025, extending warm and heartfelt greetings and wishes to our family and friends is a tradition. Here are some of the most popular traditional greetings and wishes for you to remember, so you can impress your family:
Here is the greeting organized in a table format for easy readability:
English Translation | Chinese Phrase | Pinyin |
Wishing you prosperity | 恭喜发财 | Gōngxǐ fācái |
May your home be filled with gold and jade | 金玉满堂 | Jīn yù mǎn táng |
Happy New Year | 新年快乐 | Xīnnián kuàilè |
May wealth and treasures be drawn to you | 招财进宝 | Zhāo cái jìn bǎo |
Wishing you good health | 身体健康 | Shēntǐ jiànkāng |
Good luck and happiness | 吉祥如意 | Jíxiáng rúyì |
May your riches bloom with the flowers | 花开富贵 | Huā kāi fù guì |
Wishing you peace year after year | 岁岁平安 | Suì suì píng’ān |
Wishing you a bright and beautiful spring | 春光明媚 | Chūn guāng míng mèi |
May you earn a barrel of gold every day | 日进斗金 | Rì jìn dǒu jīn |
Most popular Chinese New Year 2025 Greetings for Business and Colleagues

The Chinese New Year is also a time to extend good wishes to business associates and colleagues, nurturing professional relationships, between the most popular greetings and you can find:
Here is the greeting organized in a table format for easy readability:
English Translation | Chinese Phrase | Pinyin |
Wishing you prosperity | 恭喜发财 | Gōngxǐ fācái |
May your home be filled with gold and jade | 金玉满堂 | Jīn yù mǎn táng |
Happy New Year | 新年快乐 | Xīnnián kuàilè |
May wealth and treasures be drawn to you | 招财进宝 | Zhāo cái jìn bǎo |
Wishing you good health | 身体健康 | Shēntǐ jiànkāng |
Good luck and happiness | 吉祥如意 | Jíxiáng rúyì |
May your riches bloom with the flowers | 花开富贵 | Huā kāi fù guì |
Wishing you peace year after year | 岁岁平安 | Suì suì píng’ān |
Wishing you a bright and beautiful spring | 春光明媚 | Chūn guāng míng mèi |
May you earn a barrel of gold every day | 日进斗金 | Rì jìn dǒu jīn |
Most popular Chinese New Year 2025 Greetings with colors

Here are a variety of well-wishing greetings for Chinese New Year 2024, related to colors, perfect for sharing as you visit and meet friends.
Here is the provided text formatted into a table:
English Translation | Chinese Phrase | Pinyin |
Wishing wealth and prosperity fill your home with gold and jade | 金玉满堂 | Jīn yù mǎn táng |
A wish for auspiciousness and good fortune, Red luck is upon you | 红运当头 | Hóng yùn dāng tóu |
Symbolizing everlasting friendship and peace, Green waters flow forever | 绿水长流 | Lǜ shuǐ cháng liú |
Wishing for grand plans and dreams to unfold and succeed | 蓝图大展 | Lán tú dà zhǎn |
A traditional sign of auspiciousness and prosperity, Purple air comes from the east | 紫气东来 | Zǐ qì dōng lái |
Encouragement for new beginnings and self-made success, Starting from scratch | 白手起家 | Bái shǒu qǐ jiā |
Hoping the coming year will be filled with the best of times and prosperity, the Golden age | 黄金时代 | Huáng jīn shí dài |
Signifying the pursuit of dreams and colorful life, Colorful clouds chasing the moon | 彩云追月 | Cǎi yún zhuī yuè |
Wishing for a vibrant and lively spring, symbolizing renewal and growth | 桃红柳绿 | Táo hóng liǔ lǜ |
Wishing for refreshing changes and delightful surprises in the New Year | 金风送爽 | Jīn fēng sòng shuǎng |
Symbolizing health and vitality, Red light over the face | 红光满面 | Hóng guāng mǎn miàn |
Hoping for growth, renewal, and a connection with nature | 绿意盎然 | Lǜ yì àng rán |
Wishing for a year of peace, clarity, and boundless possibilities | 蓝天白云 | Lán tiān bái yún |
A sign of good luck and the arrival of auspicious energy, Purple qi rising | 紫气升腾 | Zǐ qì shēng téng |
Wishing for a period of unparalleled wealth and peace, Golden age of prosperity | 黄金盛世 | Huáng jīn shèng shì |
Symbolizing creativity and the flourishing of new ideas | 彩笔生花 | Cǎi bǐ shēng huā |
Wishing for a year filled with brilliance and vitality, Silver light shimmering | 银光闪闪 | Yín guāng shǎn shǎn |
Hoping for genuine relationships and heartfelt interactions | 赤诚相待 | Chì chéng xiāng dài |
Wishing for enduring vitality and spirit, Eternal youthfulness | 青春永驻 | Qīng chūn yǒng zhù |
Wishing for a year filled with precious moments and wealth | 琥珀满杯 | Hǔ pò mǎn bēi |
Wishing for clarity, depth of thought, and tranquility | 靛蓝如洗 | Diàn lán rú xǐ |
Symbolizing endurance and perseverance, Balloon flower blooms | 桔梗花开 | Jú gěng huā kāi |